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LTSS Consulting

Frustrated with licensing, claims, ​audits, and regulatory matters?

LTSS Consulting helps home and community-based ​service providers get paid, remain compliant, and ​operate more efficiently.

We solve problems!

Why does your business need LTSS consulting?


Rollercoaster rates, eligibility, new billing ​codes and procedures, EVV, new kinds ​of denials, multiple portals and ​information sources, inadequate payer ​support, and feedback, all lead to ​erosion of your cash flow.

We can help unravel the ​knots and get you paid!

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Audits and reviews by government branches and an ​alphabet soup of multiple audit contractors and ​investigators can cost even the most compliant ​provider substantial recoupment liability if your staff ​lacks the time or expertise to respond accurately.

We teach your staff the ropes, increase ​your chances of a good result, and ​work with your attorney to lower ​costs if a legal challenge is necessary!

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Today’s provider needs to master at least ​a dozen computer systems to do ​business, each with its own website or ​portal . . . and that does not count special ​new or one-time portals and systems that ​spring up for special purposes.

You can count on LTSS ​Consulting to help you ​master All these systems!

Experience is Key

LTSS Consulting Inc. supports and trains home and community-based services providers in North Carolina, ​including personal care and waiver programs managed by Medicaid and other payers.

We have over 25 years of experience with licensing, authorization, claims resolution, enrollment audits, and ​general regulatory matters.

A Plan Just Right for You

Family Care Homes

Do you struggle to keep up with ​Medicaid developments, ​policies, and rules? With a ​monthly LTSS Consulting plan, ​you'll get:

  • Weekly informational calls
  • Industry-specific newsletter
  • Free calls for advice
  • Two one-hour online training ​sessions for staff about PCS
  • If an audit occurs that ​requires intense work, up to ​75 hours of support will be ​provided at an additional ​cost.

Adult Care Homes

LTSS can help transform your ​community into a top performer ​in your market. With your ​monthly LTSS Consulting plan, ​you'll get:

  • Weekly informational calls
  • Industry-specific newsletter
  • Free calls for advice
  • Two one-hour online training ​sessions for staff about PCS
  • Expert assistance with ​claims and audit issues

Members of NCALA and NCSLA are ​eligible for significant discount on ​services.

Home Care Agencies

Need help navigating licensure, ​regulations, EVV, Medicaid ​Managed Care, claim denials, ​and turnover? Your LTSS ​Consulting plan offers:

  • Weekly informational calls
  • Industry-specific newsletter
  • Free calls for advice
  • Two one-hour online training ​sessions for staff about PCS
  • If an audit occurs that ​requires intense work, up to ​75 hours of support will be ​provided at an additional ​cost.


Call or email us for package pricing:


(919) 264-2398

About Our Team

Richard Rutherford

Richard Rutherford is a graduate of Harvard College (BA) and Columbia University (JD) and has worked for ​many years in the NC Medicaid arena as a consultant, provider, speaker, and advocate for the residents ​receiving care. He participates as a teacher on PCS topics in the NCSLA Administrator in Training program ​and received the 2021 Long Term Care Champion award from North Carolina Senior Living Association for ​his service to adult care communities and their residents. He is a member of many stakeholders and ​provider groups, and supports the Association for Home and Hospice Care, NC Assisted Living ​Association, and NC Senior Living Association.

Marjorie Rutherford

Marjorie Rutherford is a graduate of Northwestern University (BA, Phi Beta Kappa), Duke University ​graduate school (MA), and the University of Pennsylvania (MA). She has worked with LTSS Consulting on ​many projects to support providers, including audit reviews, policy revision, and helping providers with ​claims and enrollment and related challenges since its founding in 2019.

Polly Rutherford

Polly Rutherford is a graduate of Wellesley College (BA), Boston University (MA, Public Health), and Boston ​College School of Law (JD) and joined LTSS Consulting in 2020. She helps synthesize and digest information ​about changes in the Medicaid environment and works with providers and billers in resolving eligibility, ​claims, enrollment, audit support, and related challenges.

Tim Rutherford

Tim Rutherford has worked as an advertising executive, marketing professional and national sales trainer for ​more than 45 years. He attended the Governor Dummer Academy in Byfield, Massachusetts, and the ​University of Wisconsin, Madison. He sits on the Board of Directors of The Contraband Historical Society in ​Hampton, Virginia and The Other 50% Foundation, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts. Tim has run two Boston ​Marathons and is the single most devoted Boston sports fan living today. He and his wife have three ​children, six grandchildren and live outside Boston.

Reach Out for a Consultation!

4801 Glenwood Ave, Suite 100

Raleigh, NC 27612


(919) 264-2398